On top of that there are many other circumstantial evidences, which would be enough to hang you on the gallows. You went to remove the pair of shoes when the police saw them. This pair of shoes was found in your house. Jayant said, you can rest assured by leaving that burden in the hands of the police. As a result, Chandranath thought that he himself would be safe, and that the police would find and die a person who did not exist in the world. The body was sent to another place and the shoes of the person, unknown to the police, were left there again. Nagordola Bengali Download Hot Bengali Nagordola Bengali Download Hot Bengali. nagordola bengali full movie watch online free Then I can’t figure out the inner story, but it is very possible that Chandranath had a fight with Manimohan over the sharing of stolen money and jewellery, which resulted in Manimohan’s untimely death. Shoe prints of Manimohan and that unknown person were also found there. Then murder, fifty thousand taka and thirty thousand taka jewels were stolen from Rammoybabu’s house. The police suspected Manimohan and an unknown person. Then it was found that Manimohan was not killed, it was Nandalal who died. There are also prints of shoes of Nandalal, Manimohan and an unknown person. Then he tried to kill Nandalal and pass him off as Manimohan.

First of all theft in the jewelery firm of K Sarkar. Chandranath’s accomplice in evil is Manimohan. There too, the killer tried to trick us by showing the impression of this pair of shoes. Nagordola full movie hd download | Nagordola full movie online Then, where Manimohan was killed, these shoe prints were also found on the blood-stained ground, but there should not have been blood, as the body had been moved there long after the murder.